Welcome to Centennial Old Students Association

The Centennial Old Students Association (CeOSA) is a global network of Centennial Secondary School – Mattru Jong – alumni. It was started in Sierra Leone and has members in the USA and the United Kingdom. It is a nonprofit organization in USA.

Centennial Secondary School, Mattru Jong:

The school was founded to mark the one-hundredth anniversary of Missionary work of the then U.B.A. Church in Sierra Leone. Its foundation stone was laid on 7th January 1955.


CENTENNIAL Secondary School gives a sound Christian Education to boys and girls who fulfil the entrance requirements. The school is located on a lovely site along the River Jong in Bonthe District.

School starts at 7:20 a.m. with Roll Call followed by Assembly for devotions, Announcements, and the National Anthem. Classes begin at 7:45 a.m. There are eight periods of 40 minutes’ duration, with breaks at the end of the 2nd, 4th and 6th periods. Classes end for the day at 1:35 p.m.

Subjects offered up to the GCE “O” Level are English, Bible Knowledge, History, Geography, Government, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Woodwork, Domestic Science, Agricultural Science and Mechanical Drawing.

Pupils move from class to class during the day. All subjects offered by the school are compulsory up to form three (Boys offer woodwork instead of Domestic Science). Pupils choose subjects in forms four and five up to a maximum of nine.

Form four and five pupils go to the library when it is a period for a subject they are not offering.


Prefects help the staff in enforcing school rules. There is also a Student Council where every form is represented.

Although Principals are normally busy with administration, yet they find time to teach.

The school is governed by a Board of Governors (five members are nominated by the proprietors of the school – The U.B.C. Mission. Seven are nominated by the Government).

Parents of pupils and friends of the school are also encouraged to play a vital role in the school through the Parents and Friends of Centennial Association (PAFOCA).

Extracurricular activities are encouraged. The school had a football team. There are scouts and Guides groups.

The school also has a boarding home, managed by a Matron overseeing food and carrying out daily inspection of dormitories.

One of the most anticipated days was SPEECH DAY which main focus was recognition and Presentation of Prizes. Many parents and friends come to witness SPEECH DAY.

School Leaving Function:

After five years, the fifth formers are honoured by a special week-end, usually after their GCE “O” Level exams, set aside for them.


All pupils are to wear the correct uniform at school while travelling to and from school, and on certain other occasions as specified. A complete outfitting guide is issued separately.


A list of school rules is issued separately and pupils must familiarize themselves with the requirement of these. It is expected that parents/guardians will also peruse these rules and be aware of the standard required of the pupils by the school.


Fees are paid terminally. A list of current fees is given out separately. Pupils are expected to learn the school song by heart.


To build upon the past and transform Centennial Secondary School into a 21st-century academic institution with continued strong Christian foundation and academic excellence.
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To provide an environment through projects and programs that would provide a strong Christian education for all children attending Centennial Secondary School.
To provide a reunion platform for alumni to work together to support this mission.

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